Fire Pump

What is a Fire Pump?

Fire Pump inspection

Fire Pumps

A fire pump is a critical component of a fire protection system designed to deliver high-pressure water to the sprinkler system in the event of a fire. Ensuring an adequate water supply and pressure is vital to effectively control and extinguish fires. They are installed in buildings under specific conditions to enhance fire protection. Fire pump inspections are crucial in ensuring they keep your building and people safe and are compliant with the NFPA.

What Buildings Have Fire Pumps?

They are commonly found in large structures or high-rise buildings where the existing water supply may not meet the fire protection system’s required pressure and flow demands. Factors such as building size, water supply availability, hydraulic considerations, local building codes, occupancy type, and water-based suppression systems influence the need for a fire pump. These pumps ensure adequate water pressure is maintained to operate fire sprinklers and other water-based suppression systems effectively.

Let’s take a closer look at how they work:

Water Supply


Water Intake

Impeller and Casing

Water Pressurization

Discharge Outlet

Pressure Maintenance

Power Source

Testing and Maintenance

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Proper maintenance and testing are vital to ensure its readiness and optimal performance when needed the most. Reach out today to schedule a site walk, maintenance, or inspection!